Man oh man. This little guy has grown! In my defense, I haven't been able to contribute to this blog...but Ryan fixed that, so here we are.
A few things I love about this almost six month old:
-He is so pleasant. There are times I'll come to check on him in his play pen (we're at Grandma's right now), and his head will be awkwardly pushed up against the netting, but he's not making a peep...until he sees me, then he starts cooing. He doesn't cry much. He'll start talking a lot and bouncing all over the place when he gets tired, but if he's crying, you know he's upset!
-He won't sit down. I think it might be in part to having a sensitive tummy (he had a rough few months with nursing, luckily those are over), but he will not sit. He'll stand in your lap and arch his back if you try to sit him down.
-He laughs so easily. He has a smile that lights up his whole face, and you can just look at him funny, and it will get him going. He gets especially giggly when it gets to be too late at night.
-He's bald. He is bald and has a round little face. He looks just like a Cabbage Patch doll.
-He bites down with his gums and makes a funny little face. He also likes to bite fingers or anything he can get in his mouth...sometimes I'll find him biting his blanket like a dog.
-He loves to watch me eat food. In fact it's almost painful to watch him because he looks so longingly at my food. He doesn't love baby food though. He takes a while to eat it, especially the fruit, which I find quite funny--who likes their vegies more than fruit?
-He's much more patient. He used to hate being put down (but I love holding him!) and he hated his car seat, but he's grown much more patient and can lay on his play mat for at least 10 mins with out fussing (it's actually pretty awesome believe it or not). He also has overcome his angst in the car seat.
We love this beautiful little guy!