Things about Landon

Now that Landon's one, I thought I'd post about all that he's up to right now. I didn't want to brag too much on our public blog, so I'll just do it here. :)

Landon is walking all over. He took his first steps at 10.5 months and was more officially walking at 11 months. He does not, however, walk in shoes. He hates shoes and hates that he can't walk in them.
Landon says: Dada, mama, all done, uh oh (more like uh), bye, and ho ho ho. I think he also says dance, but it sounds like dad, so I'm not sure on that one. Also, I believe he's also starting to say ball and more. It's so much fun when they start talking!
Landon signs: All done, bye bye, and more. He ways hello and good bye and gives awesome high fives!
He loves balls and loves throwing them.
In one of his books it says to give the dog in the picture a kiss, and whenever we reach that spot, he always gives the picture a big smack!
Landon loves reading and cries every time I close the book or any time he thinks I'm going to close the book. :)
Landon loves music, and the one way I can get him to eat when he doesn't want to is to sing to him.


Landon is a walker! He took his first steps back at 10 1/2 months old, and I would say he officially started walking just before turning 11 months old. Both Ryan and I have commented on how determined this little guy is. He practiced standing and walking all of the time. It was really fun to see. He wouldn't hold on to our fingers to stand up because he always wanted to do it himself. I am proud of him for that, for his willingness to work hard...even though he's just a wee thing. :)

He's also become a crazy dancer. He absolutely loves music. Music has always calmed him down. If he starts spitting out his food at dinnertime, I start singing a song, and he stops and eats. I took a trip with the boys to Dallas to see my Aunt Teresa and her family (while Ryan was at training in San Antonio) so I bought a little mirror that plays music for Landon, to see if it would help on the 3 hr drive. It did. He would get fussy, I'd turn on the music, and he'd calm right down. In fact, it put him to sleep twice!

Landon loves getting into trouble. He knows when he's being sneaky or naughty, and always looks to me with his grin, waiting for me to get "mad". He laughs this great laugh and does it again. It's so fun to get "mad" at him, for whatever he thinks he's being naughty about.

Landon is also tough. I guess that comes with being the third boy, but he will climb on the boys and let them wrestle a bit with him. He can squish faces and pull hair really well when he wants to. He likes to be in the middle of the mayhem, especially when it's with his brothers. I just love him to pieces!